- 姓 名:
- 张俊云
- 职 称:
- 副教授
- 研究领域:
- 认知神经科学 视觉
- 通信地址:
- 北京大学王克桢楼 100080
- 电子邮件:
- zhangjunyun@pku.edu.cn
2017 - 今 北京大学心理与认知科学学院副教授
2012 - 2017 北京大学心理学系(现北京大学心理与认知科学学院)讲师
2011 - 2012 美国加州大学伯克利分校博士后
2009 - 2011 北京师范大学认知神经科学与学习研究所讲师
2004 - 2009 中国科学院上海生命科学院神经科学研究所神经生物学博士
2000 - 2004 华东师范大学特殊教育学学士
Vision Research, Journal of Vision, Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, PLOS One, Display, Scientific Reports, 《心理科学》等。
担任Frontiers in Psychology - Consciousness Research,Associate Editor
主要采用心理物理学方法,结合脑成像等手段了解基本视知觉加工过程。主要研究包括两方面:(1)关于视觉系统的行为可塑性即知觉学习(Perceptual Learning)机制的研究,已在Nature Neuroscience,PLoS Biology ,Current Biology,Journal of Neuroscience等学术期刊发表论文,主要发现刺激的时间模式在知觉学习中的重要作用及其编码原则,以及知觉学习中位置和特征特异性的全新理解,目前的兴趣在于运用心理物理学和脑成像的方法对知觉学习中高级认知脑机制开展研究,包括对知觉学习网膜位置特异性与朝向特异性的进一步研究、复杂图形的知觉学习与位置特异性的研究,以及弱视知觉学习心理物理学及脑机制的研究;(2)关于汉字识别的视觉心理物理特征及其临床应用(Letter Recognition & Crowding),主要考察汉字识别在中央和周边视觉的表现,论文发表在视觉和眼科专业国际杂志Vision Research,Journal of Vision,IOVS等,目前的兴趣在于了解视觉拥挤效应的机制以及汉字识别的空间频率通道特性。
1、 项目主持人:国家自然科学面上项目(32371097),项目名称:周边与中央视觉拥挤效应的心理物理学与脑机制研究及临床应用,2024-2027
2、 项目主持人:国家自然科学面上项目(31970978),项目名称:知觉学习的高级认知机制与临床应用,2020-2023
3、 项目主持人:国家自然科学面上项目(31470975),项目名称:汉字与字母识别中的视觉拥挤效应研究,2015-2018
4、 项目主持人:国家自然科学青年基金(31000459),项目名称:正常和弱视视觉知觉学习的心理物理学机制研究,2011-2013
5、 项目主持人:2010年教育部高校博士学科点专项科研基金(新教师基金课题),项目名称:汉字识别的心理物理学机制研究
6、 项目主要参与者:国家自然科学基金委重点项目(31230030),项目名称:知觉学习的认知与脑机制,2013-2017
Zhu, J.P., & Zhang, J.Y.* (2025). Brief memory reactivation may not improve visual perception. Vision Research. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.visres.2025.108543(*corresponding author)
Zhu, J.P., & Zhang, J.Y.*. (2024). Feature variability determines specificity and transfer in multiorientation feature detection learning. Journal of Vision, 24(5):2, 1–19. (*corresponding author)
Chen, Y.R., Zhang, Y.W., & Zhang, J.Y.* (2023). The impact of training on the inner–outer asymmetry in crowding. Journal of Vision, 23(8):3, 1–16. (*corresponding author)
Jiang, S.Q.#, Chen, Y.R.#, Liu, X.Y., & Zhang, J.Y.* (2023). Contour integration deficits at high spatial frequencies in children treated for anisometropic amblyopia. Frontiers in Neuroscience,17:1160853. (*corresponding author)
Liu, X.Y., Zhang, Y. W., Gao, F., Chen, F., & Zhang, J.Y.* (2021). Dichoptic perceptual training in children with amblyopia with or without patching history. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 62(6): 4. (*corresponding author)
Liu, X.Y., & Zhang, J.Y.* (2019). Dichoptic de-masking learning in adults with amblyopia and its mechanisms. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 60: 2968-2977. (*corresponding author)
Zhang, J.Y.*, & Yu, C. (2018). Vernier learning with short- and long-staircase training and its transfer to a new location with double training. Journal of Vision, 18(13): 8, 1–8. (*corresponding author)
Liu, X.Y., & Zhang, J.Y.* (2018). Dichoptic training in adults with amblyopia: additional stereoacuity gains over monocular training. Vision Research, 152: 84-90. (*corresponding author)
Xiong, Y.Z., Zhang, J.Y., & Yu, C. (2016). Bottom-up and top-down influences at untrained conditions determine perceptual learning specificity and transfer. eLife, 5:e14614.
Wang, R.*, Wang, J.*, Zhang, J.Y.*, Xie, X.Y.*, Yang, Y.X., Luo, S.H., Yu, C & Li, Wu. (2016). Perceptual learning at a conceptual level, Journal of Neuroscience, 36(7):2238-46. (*co-first author)
Zhang, J.Y.* & Yu, C*. (2016). The transfer of motion direction learning to an opposite direction enabled by double training: A reply to Liang et al. (2015b). Journal of Vision, 16(3):29, 1-4. (*corresponding author)
Cong, L.J., Wang, R.J., Yu, C.*, & Zhang, J.Y.* (2016). Perceptual learning of basic visual features remains task specific with Training-Plus-Exposure (TPE) training. Journal of Vision, 16(3):13, 1-9. (*corresponding author)
Xiong, Y. Z., Yu, C., & Zhang, J.Y.* (2015). Perceptual learning eases crowding by reducing recognition errors but not position errors, Journal of Vision, 15(11): 16, 1-13. (*corresponding author)
Wang, R., Zhang, J.Y.*, Klein, S. A., Levi, D. M. & Yu, C*. (2014). Orientation and motion signals actuate Vernier perceptual learning to transfer to untrained retinal locations: A piggybacking effect. Journal of Vision, 14(13):12, 1–10. (*corresponding author & co-first author) .
Cong, L.J., & Zhang, J.Y.*. (2014). Perceptual learning of contrast discrimination under roving: The role of semantic sequence in stimulus tagging. Journal of Vision, 14(13):1, 1–8. (*corresponding author)
Zhang, J.Y.*, Cong, L.J., Klein, S.A., Levi, D.M., & Yu, C*. (2014). Perceptual learning improves adult amblyopic vision through rule-based cognitive compensation. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 55:2020–2030. (*corresponding author)
Zhang, J.Y.*, Yang, Y.X. (2014). Perceptual learning of motion direction discrimination transfers to an opposite direction with TPE training. Vision Research, 99: 93-98. (*corresponding author)
Zhang, J.Y., Zhang, G.L, Liu, L., & Yu, C. (2012). Whole report uncovers correctly identified but incorrectly placed target information under visual crowding. Journal of Vision, 12(7): 5, 1–11.
Wang, R., Zhang, J.Y., Klein, S. A., Levi, D. M. & Yu, C. (2012). Task relevancy and demand modulate double-training enabled transfer of perceptual learning. Vision Research, 61, 33-38.
Zhang, J.Y., Zhang, G.L, Xiao, L.Q., Klein, S.A., Levi, D.M., & Yu, C. (2010). Rule-based learning explains visual perceptual learning and its specificity and transfer. Journal of Neuroscience, 30, 12323-12328.
Zhang, J.Y.,Zhang, T., Xue, F., Liu, L., & Yu, C. (2009). Legibility of Chinese characters in peripheral vision and the top-down influences on crowding. Vision Research, 49, 44-53.
Liu, L., Klein, S.A., Xue, F., Zhang, J.Y., & Yu, C. (2009). Using geometric moments to explain human letter recognition near the acuity limit, Journal of Vision, 9, 26, 1-18.
Zhang, J.Y.*, Kuai, S.G.*, Xiao, L.Q.*, Klein, S.A., Levi, D.M., & Yu, C. (2008). Stimulus coding rules for perceptual learning. PLoS Biology, 6 (8), 1651-1660. (*equal contribution)
Xiao, L.Q*, Zhang, J.Y.*,Wang, R., Klein, S.A., Levi, D.M., & Yu, C. (2008). Complete transfer of perceptual learning across retinal locations enabled by double training. Current Biology, 18, 1922-1926. (*equal contribution)
Zhang, J.Y.,Zhang, T., Xue, F., Liu, L., & Yu, C. (2007). Legibility variations of Chinese characters and implications for visual acuity measurement in Chinese reading population. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 48, 2383-2390.
Kuai, S.G.*, Zhang, J.Y.*, Klein, S.A., Levi, D.M., & Yu, C. (2005). The essential role of stimulus temporal patterning in enabling perceptual learning. Nature Neuroscience, 8, 1497-1499. (*equal contribution)