- 姓 名:
- 王征
- 职 称:
- 研究员 博导
- 研究领域:
- 认知神经科学 社会决策 心理与精神健康 脑成像 神经调控 动物行为与认知
- 通信地址:
- 北京大学吕志和楼336房间
- 电子邮件:
- zheng.wang@pku.edu.cn
王征博士现任北京大学心理与认知科学学院,麦戈文脑科学研究所、北大-清华生命科学联合中心研究员。1998 年本科毕业于大连理工大学,2003年在华中科技大学获硕士学位,2008年在加拿大西安大略大学获博士学位,2009-2011年在美国范德堡大学心理学系开展博士后研究,2011-2021年在中国科学院脑科学与智能技术卓越创新中心历任研究员、资深研究员,兼任脑影像平台主管。主要研究领域为磁共振成像和神经调控系统在脑科学与脑疾病中的应用。先后主持或承担了中科院3.0T和9.4T磁共振成像系统、中科院先导科技专项、科技部重点研发计划、基金委国家重大科研仪器设备研制、原创探索专项、上海市科技重大专项、广东省重点领域研发计划、美国国立卫生研究院R01等相关科研任务。近年来在Science等国际知名学术期刊上发表学术论文60余篇,是国际医学磁共振协会、国际神经科学学会、美国生物精神病学学会的长期会员,担任多个国际学术期刊(Neuroscience Bulletin等)编委和审稿人,以及中国科学院、发改委、财政部、科技部、教育部、工信部、基金委、英国医学研究理事会(MRC)等多个国家部委机构的评审专家。
王征实验室重点关注融合磁共振影像学、认知决策计算、行为学、转录组学及神经调控技术,探索精神疾病的量化诊断与个体化干预。研究特色在于构建非人灵长类疾病模型,解析临床情感认知障碍类疾病的环路机制,研创神经调控新技术开展认知干预治疗,开辟灵长类动物模型向临床转化应用的新途径,推进精神疾病的客观诊疗。相关研究成果以资深或通讯作者身份发表在Science(2017)、Neuron(2013且同期配发专文点评、2018、2020、2022)、Nat Commun(2023)、Cell Discovery(2021)、Cell Reports(2023)、Am J Psychiatry(2021且同期配发专文点评)、Mol Psychiatry(2022)、J Neurol Neurosurgery Psychiatry (2021)、Biol Psychiatry (2016、2018,两次同期配发专文点评)、eLife(2022)、J Neurosci (2016、2020)、Cereb Cortex (2018、2021)、EBioMedicine(2017、2022)、IEEE TMI(2015)等国际主流学术期刊上。
Mapping brain connectomics in nonhuman primates offers a cutting-edge path to advance our understanding of neural networks, especially as we aim to translate these insights into human brain health applications. By integrating multi-modal approaches—such as MRI/PET imaging, genetic and transcriptomic profiling, behavioral analysis, and computational modeling—this line of our research has the potential to unveil intricate connections and functions within the brain that correlate with behavior, genetic traits, and disease vulnerabilities:
Zhang Z1, Huang YC1, Chen XY, Li JH, Yang Y, Lv LB, Wang JH, Wang MY*, Wang YW*, Wang Z*, State-specific regulation of electrical stimulation in the intralaminar thalamus of macaque monkeys: network and transcriptional insights into arousal, Advanced Science, 2024, 11(33): e2402718.
Wang W1, Bo TT1, Zhang G1, Li J, Ma JJ, Ma LX, Hu GL, Tong HG, Lv Q, Daniel JA, Luo D, Chen YJ, Wang MY, Wang Z*, Wang G.-Z.*, Noncoding transcripts are linked to brain resting-state activity in non-human primates, Cell Reports, 2023, 42: 112652.
Bo TT1, Li J1, Hu GL, Zhang G, Wang W, Lv Q, Zhao SL, Qin M, Yao XH, Wang MY*, Wang GZ*, Wang Z*., Brain-wide and cell-specific transcriptomic insights into MRI-derived cortical morphology in macaque monkeys, Nature Communications, 2023, 14:1499.
Yan MC1, Yu WW1, Lv Q, Lv QM, Bo TT, Chen XY, Liu YL, Zhan YF, Yan SY, Shen XY, Yang BF, Hu QM, Yu JL, Qiu ZL, Feng YJ, Zhang XY, Wang H, Xu FQ, Wang Z*, Mapping brain-wide excitatory projectome of primate prefrontal cortex at submicron resolution and comparison with diffusion tractography, eLife, 2022, 11: e72534.
The PRIMatE Data and Resource Exchange (PRIME-DRE) Global Collaboration Workshop and Consortium, Toward next-generation primate neuroscience: a collaboration-based strategic plan for integrative neuroimaging, Neuron, 2022, 110: 1-5.
Zhan YF1, Wei JZ1, Liang J, Xu X, He R*, Robbins TW, Wang Z.*, Diagnostic classification for human autism and obsessive-compulsive disorder based on machine learning from a primate genetic model, American Journal of Psychiatry, 2021, 178(1): 65-76. [Commentary by van den Heuvel OA, Can transgenic monkeys help us innovate transdiagnostic therapies? American Journal of Psychiatry, 2021, 178(1): 8-10. Kalin NH, Genes, cells, and neural circuits relevant to OCD and autism spectrum disorder, American Journal of Psychiatry, 2021, 178(1): 1-4]
Qin DD1, Zhou JK1, He XC1, Shen XY1, Li C, Chen HZ, Yan LZ, Hu ZF, Li X, Lv LB, Yao YG*, Wang Z.*, Huang XX*, Hu XT*, Zheng P*, Depletion of giant ANK2 in monkeys causes drastic brain volume loss, Cell Discovery, 2021, 7(1):113.
Lv QM, Yan MC, Shen XY, Wu J, Yu WW, Yan SY, Yang F, Zeljic K, Shi YQ, Zhou ZF, Lv LB, Hu XT, Menon R, Wang Z.*, Normative analysis of individual brain differences based on a population MRI-based atlas of cynomolgus macaques, Cerebral Cortex, 2021, 31(1): 341-355.
Wang XD, Li XH, Cho JW, Russ B, Rajamani N, Omelchenko A, Ai L, Korchmaros A, Sawiak S, Benn A.R., Garcia-Saldivar P, Wang Z, Kalin NH, Schroeder CE, Craddock RC, Fox AS, Evans AC, Messinger A, Milham MP, Xu T*, U-Net model for brain extraction: trained on humans for transfer to non-human primates, NeuroImage, 2021, 235:118001.
Cai DC1, Wang ZW1, Bo TT1, Yan SY1, Liu YL, Liu ZW, Zeljic K, Chen XY, Zhan YF, Xu X, Du YS, Wang YW, Cang J, Wang GZ, Zhang J, Sun Q, Qiu ZL, Ge SJ*, Ye Z, Wang Z.*, MECP2 duplication causes aberrant GABA pathways, circuits and behaviors in transgenic monkeys: neural mappings to patients with autism, Journal of Neuroscience, 2020, 40(19): 3799-3814.
The PRIMatE Data Exchange (PRIME-DE) Global Collaboration Workshop and Consortium, Accelerating the evolution of nonhuman primate neuroimaging, Neuron, 2020, 105: 600-602
Pu R, Wu Z, Yu WW, He HJ*, Zhou ZF, Wang Z*, Zhong JH, Association of myelination in the internal capsule with iron deposition in the basal ganglia in macaques: a magnetic resonance imaging study, Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery, 2020, 10(7):1526-1539.
Zhang Z1, Cai DC1, Wang ZW, Zeljic K, Wang Z*, Wang YW*, Isoflurane-induced burst suppression increases intrinsic functional connectivity of the monkey brain, Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2019, 13: 296. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2019.00296.
Cui Y, Li X, Zeljic K, Shan S, Qiu Z*, Wang Z*, Effect of PEGylated magnetic PLGA-PEI nanoparticles on primary hippocampal neurons: reduced nano-neurotoxicity and enhanced transfection efficiency with magnetofection, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2019, 11(41): 38190-38204.
Milham MP, Ai L, Koo B, Xu T, Amiez C, Balezeau F, Baxter MG, Blezer ELA, Brochier T, Chen AH, Croxson PL, Damatac CG, Dehaene S, Everling S, Fair D, Fleysher L, Freiwald W, Froudist-Walsh S, Griffiths TD, Guedj C, Hadj-Bouziane F, Hamed SB, Harel N, Hiba B, Jarraya B, Jung B, Kastner S, Klink PC, Kwok SC, Laland K.N., Leopold DA, Lindenfors P, Mars RB, Menon RS, Messinger A, Meunier M, Mok K, Morrison JH, Nacef J, Nagy J, Rios MO, Petkov CI, Pinsk M, Poirier C, Procyk E, Rajimehr R, Reader SM, Roelfsema PR, Rudko D, Rushworth MFS, Russ B, Sallet J, Schmid M, Schwiedrzik CM, Seidlitz J, Sein J, Shmuel A, Sullivan EL, Ungerleider L, Thiele A, Todorov OS, Tsao D, Wang Z, Wilson CRE, Yacoub E, Ye F, Zarco W, Zhou YD, Margulies DS, Schroeder C, An open resource for nonhuman primate imaging, Neuron, 2018, 100:1-14.
Zhou TT1, Zhu H1, Fan ZX, Wang F, Chen Y, Liang HX, Yang ZF, Zhang L, Lin LN, Zhan Y, Wang Z, Hu H*, History of winning remodels thalamo-PFC circuit to reinforce social dominance, Science, 2017, 357: 162-168.
Lv Q1, Yang LQ1, Li GL, Wang ZW, Shen ZM, Yu WW, Jiang QY, Hou BY, Pu J, Hu H*, Wang Z.*, Large-scale persistent network reconfiguration induced by ketamine in anesthetized macaques: relevance to mood disorders, Biological Psychiatry, 2016, 79: 765-775. [Commentary by Arnsten AF, Murray JD, Seo H, and Lee D. Ketamine’s antidepressant actions: potential mechanisms in the primate medial prefrontal circuits that represent aversive experience, Biological Psychiatry, 2016, 79: 713-715]
Wang Z1., Chen LM1, Negyessy L1, Friedman RM, Mishra A, Gore JC*, Roe AW*, The relationship of anatomical and functional connectivity to resting state connectivity in primate somatosensory cortex, Neuron, 2013, 78:1116-1126. [Previews by Olaf Sporns and Christopher J Honey, “Topographic dynamics in the resting brain”, 78, 955-956]
Wang Z., Qi H-X, Kaas JH, Roe AW, Chen LM, Functional signature of recovering cortex: dissociation of local field potentials and spiking activity in somatosensory cortices of spinal cord injured monkeys, Experimental Neurology, 2013, 249:132-143.
Our research on human brain disorders began through a collaboration with clinical doctors in China, focusing on the therapeutic mechanisms of various neuroimaging and neuromodulation techniques, including deep brain stimulation. We aim to uncover the underlying effects of these techniques on patients and establish theoretical guidelines to improve treatment efficacy for individuals. Analyzing MRI data poses a unique challenge, prompting the development of new AI-derived computational models and algorithms to extract rich information on brain structure and function across diverse conditions.
Zhao SL1, Lv Q1, Zhang G, Zhang JT, Wang HQ, Zhang JM, Wang MY*, Wang Z*, Quantitative expression of latent disease factors in individuals associated with psychopathology dimensions and treatment response, Neuroscience Bulletin, 2024, advance online.
Yao JY, Li ZH, Zhou ZH, Bao AM, Wang Z*, Wei HJ*, He HJ*, Distinct regional vulnerability to Aβ and iron accumulation in postmortem AD brains, Alzheimer's & Dementia, 2024, 20(10): 6984-6997.
Liang H, Luo HR, Sang ZL, Jia M, Jiang XH, Wang Z, Cong S*, Yao XH*, GREMI: an explainable multi-omics integration framework for enhanced disease prediction and module identification, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2024, 28(11): 6983-6996.
Cong S, Wang H, Zhou Y, Wang Z, Yao XH*, Yang CS*, Comprehensive review of Transformer-based models in neuroscience, neurology and psychiatry, Brain-X, 2024, 2: e57-e89.
Lv Q*, Zeljic K, Zhao SL, Zhang JT, Zhang JM, Wang Z*, Dissecting psychiatric heterogeneity and comorbidity with core region-based machine learning, Neuroscience Bulletin, 2023, 39(8):1309-1326.
Lv Q1, Zhang M1, Jiang HF1, Liu YL, Zhao SL, Xu XM, Zhang WL, Chen TZ, Su H, Zhang JT, Wang HQ, Zhang JM, Feng YJ, Li YQ, Li B*, Zhao M*, Wang Z*, Metabolic and functional substrates of impulsive decision bias in abstinent heroin addicts after prolonged methadone maintenance treatment, NeuroImage, 2023, 283:120421.
Liu CC, Li KS, Zheng XX, Fu MN, Zhang YY, Sindermann C, Montag C, Wang Z, Zhou B, Kendrick K, Becker B, A central serotonin regulating gene polymorphism (TPH2) determines vulnerability to acute tryptophan depletion-induced anxiety and ventromedial prefrontal threat reactivity in healthy young men, European Neuropsychopharmacology, 2023, 77: 24-34.
Chen XY1, Wang Z1, Lv Q, Lv QM, van Wingen G, Fridgeirsson EA, Denys D, Voon V, Wang Z*, Common and differential connectivity profiles of deep brain stimulation and capsulotomy in refractory obsessive-compulsive disorder, Molecular Psychiatry, 2022, 27(2):1020-1030.
Li G, Huang P*, Cui SS, Tan YY, He YC, Shen X, Jiang QY, Huang P, He GY, Li BY, Li YX, Xu J, Wang Z*, Chen SD*, Mechanisms of motor symptom improvement by long-term Tai Chi training in Parkinson’s disease patients, Translational Neurodegeneration, 2022, 11: 6-16.
Zhang M1, Qin QK1, Zhang SN, Liu W, Meng HP, Xu MY, Huang XY, Lin XZ, Lin M, Herman P, Hyder F, Stevens RC, Wang Z, Li B*, Thompson GJ*, Aerobic glycolysis imaging of epileptic foci during the inter-ictal period, eBioMedicine, 2022, 79:104004.
Feng L1, Yin DZ1, Wang XB, Xu YF, Xiang YS, Teng F, Pan YG, Zhang XL, Su JH, Wang Z*, Jin LJ*, Brain connectivity abnormalities and treatment-induced restorations in patients with cervical dystonia, European Journal of Neurology, 2021, 28(5):1537-1547.
Hong J1, Bo TT1, Xi LQ1, Xu XQ1, He NY1, Zhan YF, Li WY, Liang PW, Chen YF, Shi J, Yan FH, Gu WQ, Wang WQ, Liu RX, Wang JQ*, Wang Z*, Ning G, Reversal of functional brain connectivity associated with gut microbiome and gastrointestinal hormones after vertical sleeve gastrectomy in obese patients, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 2021, 106(9): e3619-e3633.
Zhang CC1, Kim S-G1, Li J, Zhang YY, Lv QM, Zeljic K, Gong HF, Zhan SK, Lin GZ, Sun BM*, Wang Z*, Voon V*., Anterior limb of the internal capsule tractography: relationship with capsulotomy outcomes in obsessive-compulsive disorder, Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 2021, 92(6):637-644.
Lv Q1, Lv QM1, Yin DZ, Zhang CC, Sun BM, Voon V*, Wang Z*, Neuroanatomical substrates and predictors of response to capsulotomy in intractable obsessive-compulsive disorder, Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging, 2021, 28(5):1537-1547.
Zeljic K1, Xiang Q1, Wang ZW, Pan YY, Shi YQ, Zhou ZF, Wang Z*, Liu DT*, Heightened perception of illusory motion is associated with symptom severity in Schizophrenia patients, Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry, 2021, 104:110055.
Su H1, Liu YL1, Yin DZ, Chen TZ, Li XT, Zhong N, Jiang HF, Wang JJ, Du J, Xiao K, Xu D, Zeljic K, Wang Z*, Zhao M*, Neuroplastic changes in resting-state functional connectivity after rTMS intervention for methamphetamine craving, Neuropharmacology, 2020, 175: 108177
Su H1, Chen TZ1, Zhong N, Jiang HF, Du J, Xiao K, Xu D, Wang Z, Zhao M*, GABA and Glutamate/glutamine alterations of the left prefrontal cortex in individuals with methamphetamine use disorder: a combined TMS-MRS study, Annals of Translational Medicine, 2020, 8(6): 347-356.
Li HF1, Yang LQ1, Yin DZ1, Chen WJ, Liu GL, Ni W, Wang N, Yu WW, Wu ZY*, Wang Z.*, Associations between neuroanatomical abnormalities and motor symptoms in paroxysmal kinesigenic dyskinesia, Parkinsonism & Related Disorders, 2019, 62:134-140.
Yin DZ, Chen XY, Zeljic K, Zhan YF, Shen XY, Yan G, Wang Z.*, Topological architecture of functional diversity of brain regions and its association with human intelligence, Brain and Behavior, 2019,9:e01358.
Yin DZ, Zhang Z, Wang ZW, Zeljic K, Lv Q, Cai DC, Wang YW, Wang Z.*, Brain map of intrinsic functional flexibility in anesthetized monkeys and awake humans, Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2019, 13:174. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2019.00174.
Wang ZW, Zeljic K, Jiang QY, Gu Y, Wang W, Wang Z*, Dynamic network communication in the human functional connectome predicts perceptual variability in visual illusion, Cerebral Cortex, 2018, 28(1):48-62.
Yin DZ1, Zhang CC1, Lv QM, Chen XY, Zeljic K, Gong HF, Jin HY, Wang Z.*, Sun BM*, Dissociable frontostriatal pathways: mechanism and predictor of the clinical efficacy of capsulotomy in obsessive-compulsive disorder, Biological Psychiatry, 2018, 84(12): 926-936. [Commentary by Hoexter MQ, Are we ready for individualized target planning of ablative procedures in intractable obsessive-compulsive disorder? Biological Psychiatry, 2018, 84(12): e85-e87]
Chen XY1, Zhang CC1, Li YX1, Lv Q, Zeljic K, Huang P, Jin HY, Chen SD, Sun BM*, Wang Z.*, Functional connectivity-based modelling simulates subject-specific network effects of focal brain stimulation, Neuroscience Bulletin, 2018, 34(6):921-938.
Yin DZ1, Liu WJ1, Wang ZW, Zeljic K, Bo TT, Lv Q, You MN, Men WW, Fan MX, Cheng WH*, Wang Z*., Failure in cognitive suppression of negative affect in adolescents with generalized anxiety disorder, Scientific Reports, 2017, 7:6583, doi:10.1038/s41598-017-07063-5.
Lv QM1, Wang Z1, Zhang CC1, Fan Q, Zeljic K, Sun BM, Xiao ZP*, Wang Z.*, Divergent structural responses to pharmacological interventions in orbitofronto-striato-thalamic and premotor circuits in obsessive-compulsive disorder, eBioMedicine, 2017, 22:242-248.
Pan YX1, Wang LJ1, Wang ZW1, Xu C, Yu WW, Spillmann L, Gu Y*, Wang Z.*, Wang W*. Representations of illusory and real rotations in human MST– a cortical site for the Pinna illusion, Human Brain Mapping, 2016, 37: 2097-2113.
Yin DZ, Liu WJ, Zeljic K, Wang ZW, Lv Q, Fan MX, Cheng WH*, Wang Z*, Dissociable changes of frontal and parietal cortices in inherent functional flexibility across the human lifespan, Journal of Neuroscience, 2016, 36(39):10060-10074.
Pu J, Wang J, Yu WW, Shen ZM, Lv Q, Zeljic K, Zhang CC, Sun BM, Liu GX, Wang Z.*. Discriminative structured feature engineering for macroscale brain connectomes, IEEE Trans Med Imaging, 2015, 34(11):2333-2342.