- 姓 名:
- 张昕
- 职 称:
- 副教授
- 研究领域:
- 毕生发展心理学
- 通信地址:
- 北京大学王克桢楼 100080
- 电子邮件:
- zhang.x@pku.edu.cn
学士 2002 – 2006 北京大学心理系(现北京大学心理与认知科学学院)
硕士 2006 – 2008 香港中文大学心理系
博士 2008 – 2011 香港中文大学心理系
2008 Paper of Merit, American Psychological Association, International Psychology Division
2011 Emerging Scholar and Professional Organization (ESPO) Poster Award, Gerontological Society of America
目前担任Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences 编委,同时为以下期刊审稿:包括Psychology and Aging, Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences, Developmental Psychology, Emotion, Experimental Aging Research等
Marcus, J., Scheibe, S., Kooij, D., Truxillo, D., Zaniboni, S., Abuladze, L., Al Mursi, N., Bamberger, P., Balytska, M., Perek-Bialas, J., Boehm, S., Burmeister, A., Cabib, I., Coen, M., Deller, J., Derous, E., Diaz, N. B., Drury, L., Eppler-Hattab, R., Fasbender, U., … Zhang, X., & Znidarsic, J. (in press). LeverAge: A European network to leverage the multi-age workforce. Work, Aging and Retirement.
Ren, Y., Ye, H., Fang, H., Zhang. X., & Song, G. (accepted). ValueBench: Towards Comprehensively Evaluating Value Orientations and Understanding of Large Language Models. ACL 2024: Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics.
Xia, B., Xi, W., Bi, X., & Zhang, X.* (2024). Retirement is not the end of the road: Essentialist beliefs about aging moderate the association between future time perspective and retirement adjustment. Current Psychology, 43(6), 5410 - 5418. doi://10.1007/s12144-023-04731-w
Ma, G., Chen, Z., & Zhang, X.* (2024). To Help or Not: Negative Aging Stereotypes Held by Younger Adults Could Promote Helping Behaviors toward Older Adults. Current Psychology, 43(2), 1041 – 1051. doi://10.1007/s12144-023-04371-0
Ma, T., Zhang, B., Zhang, X., & Hu, Y. (2023). Experiencing Daily Negative Aging Stereotypes and Real-Life Cognitive Functioning in Older Adults: A Diary Study. Psychology and Aging, 38(7), 725 – 739. doi://10.1037/pag0000774.
Chen, Z., North, M., & Zhang, X.* (2023). Pension Tension: Retirement Annuity Fosters Ageism Across Countries and Cultures. Innovation in Aging, 7(7), igad080. doi://10.1093/geroni/igad080.
Lu, Y., Lu, Y., Han, Z. R., Qin, S., Zhang, X., Yi, L., & Zhang, H. (2023). Prediction from minimal experience: How people predict the duration of an ongoing epidemic. Cognitive Science, 47, e13294. doi://10.1111/cogs.13294
Liao, S., Tang, W., & Zhang, X.* (2023). Age-Related Differences in Responses to Social Exclusion: Active Regulation Matters. Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences, 78B, 998-1006. doi:/10.1093/geronb/gbad014.
Wang, C., Liu, Z., Chen, T., Wang, J., Zhang, X., & Han, B. (2022). Intergenerational Support and Depressive Symptoms in Old Age: The Difference between Urban and Rural China. Frontiers in Public Health, 10, 1007408. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpubh.2022.1007408
Chang, Y., Liu, S., & Zhang, X.* (2022). The Nuanced Relationship Between Age Stereotypes and Personnel Decisions: Contextual Considerations. Work, Aging and Retiremen, 8, 348–351. doi://10.1093/workar/waac022
Xi, W., Zhang, X.*, & Ayalon, L. (2022). The framing effect of intergenerational comparison of technologies on technophobia among older adults. Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences, 77B, 1179 – 1185. https://doi.org/10.1093/geronb/gbab199
Chen, C., Xu, Y., Sun, Y., & Zhang, X*. (2022). Age differences in facial trustworthiness perception are diminished by affective processing. European Journal of Ageing, 19, 413–422. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10433-021-00643-5
Lin, H., Chang, Y., Chen, C., Ho, Y. W., Xi, W., Zhang, X.*, Fung, H. H., & Ayalon, L. (2022). Are older adults more optimistic? Evidence from China, Israel and the US. Journals of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences, 77B, e83 – e94. DOI://10.1093/geronb/gbab046
Chen, Z., & Xin Zhang.* (2022). We Were All Once Young: Reducing Hostile Ageism from Younger Adults' Perspective. Frontiers in Psychology, 2022: 13, 793373. doi://10.3389/fpsyg.2022.793373
Xi, W., Zhang, X.*, & Ayalon, L. (2022). When less intergenerational closeness helps: The influence of intergenerational physical proximity and technology attributes on technophobia among older adults. Computers in Human Behavior, 131https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2022.107234
Lu, Y., Chen, C., Yin, X., & Zhang, X*. (2021). Viewing time and facial trustworthiness perception: Giving it a second thought may not work for older adults. PsyCh Journal, 10, 805-815. https://doi.org/10.1002/pchj.469
Xi, W. Y., Xu, W. Q., Zhang, X.*, & Ayalon, L.* (2021). A Thematic Analysis of Weibo Topics (Chinese Twitter Hashtags) regarding Older Adults During the COVID-19 Outbreak. Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences, 76, e306 – e312. DOI: 10.1093/geronb/gbaa148
Chang, Y., Zhang, X.*, & Li, Y. (2020). Benefits of Grandparental Caregiving in Chinese Older Adults: Reduced Lonely Dissatisfaction as a Mediator. Frontiers in Psychology, 2020:11. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01719
Weiss, D., & Zhang, X. (2020). Multiple Sources of Aging Attitudes: Perceptions of Age Groups and Generations From Adolescence to Old Age Across China, Germany, and the United States. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology., 51, 407 – 423. DOI: 10.1177/0022022120925904.
Zhang, X.*, Kamin, S., Liu, S., Fung, H. H., & Lang, F. R. (2020). Negative Self-perception of Aging and Mortality in Very Old Chinese Adults: The Mediation Role of Healthy Lifestyle. Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences, 75B, 1001-1009.
Wang, Y., Zhang, X., Li, J., & Xie, X. (2019). Light in Darkness: Low Self-Control Promotes Altruism in Crises. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 41, 201-213.
Zhang, X.*, & Lin, H. M. (2019). Disengagement Theory. In D. Gu, & M. E. Dupre (eds.), Encyclopedia of Gerontology and Population Aging. Springer Nature: Switzerland. Doi:10.1007/978-3-319-69892-2_645-1
Chang, Y. Q., Lu, Y., & Zhang, X.* (2019). Subjective Well-being. In D. Gu, & M. E. Dupre (eds.), Encyclopedia of Gerontology and Population Aging. Springer Nature: Switzerland. Doi:10.1007/978-3-319-69892-2_837-1
Zhang, X.*, Lecce, S., Ceccato, I., Cavallini, E., Zhang, L., & Chen, T. (2018). Plasticity in older adults’ theory of mind performance: the impact of motivation. Aging & Mental Health, 22:12, 1592-1599.
Chan, D. K. C., Hamamura, T., Li, L. M. W., & Zhang, X. (2017). Is Trusting Others Related to Better Health? An Investigation of Older Adults across Six Non-Western Countries. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 48, 1288-1301.
Chan, D. K. C., Hamamura, T., Li, L. M., & Zhang, X. (2017). The effect of generalised trust on health depends on human development? A cross-sectional investigation across China, Ghana, India, Mexico, South Africa, and Russia. Lancet, 390, S105. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(17)33243-9.
Xing, C., Zhang, X.*, & Cheng, S. T., (2017). More Social Partners Lead to Enhanced Mental Health? The Paradox between Quantity and Quality. PsyCh Journal, 6, 219 - 227.
Zhang, F., Zhang, X., Luo, M., & Geng, H. (2016). The Effects of Feedback on Memory Strategy of Younger and Older adults. PLOS One, 11, e0168896.
Chan, D. K. C., Zhang, X.*, Fung, H. H., & Hagger, M. S. (2016). Affect, affective variability, and physical health: Results from a population-based investigation in China. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 23, 438 – 446.
Fung, H. H.*, Ho, Y. W., Zhang, R., Zhang, X.*, Noels, K. A., Tam, K. P. (2016). Age Differences in Personal Values: Universal or Cultural Specific? Psychology and Aging, 31, 274 – 286.
Song, X., Zhang, X.*, Melloy, R., Wang, F., Zhan, H., & Wang, L. (2016). From self-disclosure to prosocial behaviour: Feedback as a moderator. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 19, 90 – 100.
Zhang, X.*, Xing, C., Guan, Y., Song, X., Melloy, R., Wang, F., & Jin, X. (2016). Attitudes toward older adults: A matter of cultural values or personal values? Psychology and Aging, 31, 89 – 100.
Chan, D. K. C., Yang, S. X., Mullan, B., Du, X., Zhang, X., Chatzisarantis, N. L. D., & Hagger, M. S. (2015). Preventing the spread of H1N1 influenza infection during a pandemic: Autonomy supportive advise versus controlling instruction. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 38, 416-426.
Chan, D. K. C., Zhang, X.*, Fung, H. H., & Hagger, M. S. (2015). Does emotion and its daily fluctuation correlate with depression? A cross-cultural analysis among six developing countries. Journal of Epidemiology and Global Health, 5, 65 - 74.
Zhang, X.*, Fung, H. H., Stanley, J. T., & Isaacowitz, D. M. (2014). Thinking more holistically as we grow older? Results from different tasks in two cultures. Culture and Brain., 2, 109 - 121.
Fung. H. H., Li, T., Zhang, X., Sit, I. M. I., Cheng, S. T., & Isaacowitz, D. M. (2014). Too Positive to be True: Exposure to Positive Portrayals of Old Age Does Not Always Have Positive Consequences. Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences. doi:10.1093/geronb/gbu061
Wuyun, G., Shu, M., Cao, Z., ... Zhang. X., et al. (2014). Neural representations of the self and the mother for Chinese inpiduals. PLoS ONE, 9, e91556. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0091556
Zhang, X.*, Fung, H. H., Stanley, J. T., Isaacowitz, D. M., & Ho, M. Y. (2013). Perspective taking in older age revisited: A motivational perspective. Developmental Psychology, 49, 1848 – 1858.
Stanley, J. T., Zhang, X.*, Fung, H. H., & Isaacowitz, D. M. (2013). Cultural differences in gaze and emotion recognition: Americans contrast more than Chinese. Emotion,13, 36 – 46. doi: 10.1037/a0029209.
Ho, M. Y., Cheung, F. M., You, J., Kam, C., Zhang, X., & Kliewer, W. (2013). The moderating role of emotional stability in the relationship between exposure to violence and anxiety and depression. Personality and Inpidual Differences, 55, 634 – 639.
Song, X., Shang, R., Bi, Q., Zhang, X.*, & Wu, Y. (2012). The influence of sex difference on self-reference effects in a male-dominated culture. Psychological Reports, 111, 383 – 392.
Zhang, X.*, Yeung, D. Y., Fung, H. H., & Lang, F. R. (2011). Changes in peripheral social partners and loneliness over time: The moderating role of interdependence. Psychology and Aging., 26, 823 – 829.
Fung, H. H., Ho, Y. W., Tam, K. P., Tsai, J., & Zhang, X. (2011). Value moderates age differences in personality: The example of relationship orientation. Personality and Inpidual Differences, 50, 994 – 999.
Zhang, X.*, Ersner-Hershfield, H., & Fung, H. H. (2010). Age differences in poignancy in two different cultures: Cognitive reappraisal as a moderator. Psychology and Aging, 25, 310 – 320.
Zhang, X.* & Fung, H. H. (2009). Does graduation give rise to increased poignancy? Moderation roles of university identity and emotion regulation. Personality and Inpidual Differences, 47, 722 – 727.
Zhang, X.*, Fung, H. H., & Ching, B. H. (2009). Age differences in goals: Implications for health promotion. Aging and Mental Health, 13, 336 – 348.
Book Chapter
Zhang, X., & Ho, Y. W. (2014). In the Pursuit of Emotionally Meaningful Goals: When Would the Older Asians Display or not to Display the Positivity Effect. In S. T. Cheng, I. Chi, L.W. Li, J. Woo, & H. H. Fung, (Eds.), Successful Aging: Asian Perspectives. New York: Springer.