- 姓 名:
- 王茜
- 职 称:
- 副研究员
- 研究领域:
- 认知神经科学
- 通信地址:
- 北京大学王克桢楼,100080
- 个人主页:
- wangqianpsy@pku.edu.cn
- 国家自然科学基金面上项目,32171039,人类视皮层颜色加工的神经机制,2022/01-2025/12
- 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,31700994,基于癫痫患者立体脑电记录的听觉注意脑功能网络研究,2018/01-2020/12
- 中国博士后科学基金面上资助,2016M601066,岛颞脑网络在听觉言语加 工的作用机制,2016/11-2018/11
- 国家自然科学基金重大项目,81790650,癫痫异常脑功能活动位点与连接的多模态影像学研究,2018/01-2022/12
- 科技创新2030—“脑科学与类脑研究”重大项目,2022ZD0204800,知觉学习的认知与神经环路机制,2022/08-2027/07
- 北京市科委国家重大研究计划匹配,Z161100002616016,脑认知与脑医学—效应连接在表达皮层脑功能图谱研究及神经外科手术评估中的应用2016/06-2019/05
- 国家自然科学基金面上项目,31470987,听觉注意强化惊反射前脉冲抑 制的神经机制,2015/01-2018/12
Wang, Q.*, Chen, G., Wang, X., Yang, R., Luo, L., Ding, H., Teng, P., Wang, J., He, L., Ren, J., Zhao, M., Luan, G. and Fang, F.* (2024). Prestimulation neuronal activity predicts visual awareness of phosphene elicited by intracranial electrical stimulation. Brain Stimulation. 17, 335–338
Wang, Q. *, Luo, L., Xu, N., Wang, J., Yang, R., Chen, G., Ren, J., Luan, G. and Fang, F. * (2024). Neural response properties predict perceived contents and locations elicited by intracranial electrical stimulation of human auditory cortex. Cerebral Cortex, 34(2), 1-14.
Luo L.#, Wang X.#, Lu J., Chen G., Luan G., Li W., Wang Q.* and Fang F.* (2024) Local field potentials, spiking activity, and receptive fields in human visual cortex. SCIENCE CHINA Life Sciences. 67(3), 543-554.
Wang Y., Luo L., Chen G., Luan G., Wang X., Wang Q.* and Fang F.* (2023) Rapid processing of invisible fearful faces in the human amygdala. The Journal of Neuroscience. 43,1405-1314
Gao, Y.#, Chen, G.#, Teng, P., Zhang, X., Fang, F., Englot, D. J., Luan, G.*, Wang, X.*, Wang, Q.* (2022). Periventricular nodular heterotopia is coupled with the neocortex during resting and task states. Cerebral Cortex, 33(7), 3467-3477 (#co-first authors) (*co-corresponding authors)
Xu, N., Zhao, B., Luo, L., Zhang, K., Shao, X., Luan, G., Wang, Q.*, Hu, W.*, Wang, Q*. (2022). Two Stages of Speech Envelope Tracking in Human Auditory Cortex Modulated by Speech Intelligibility. Cerebral Cortex, 33(5), 2215-2228 (*co-corresponding authors)
Luo, L., Chen, G., Li, S., Wang, J., Wang, Q.*, Fang, F*. (2022). Distinct roles of theta and gamma rhythms in inter-areal interaction in human visual cortex revealed by cortico-cortical evoked potentials. Brain Stimulation, 15(5), 1048-1050. (*co-corresponding authors)
Gong X., Wang Q., and Fang F.* (2022) Configuration perceptual learning and its relationship with element perceptual learning. Journal of Vision. 22(13):2, 1-14.
Lu, J., Luo, L., Wang, Q., Fang, F., Chen, N. (2021). Cue-triggered activity replay in human early visual cortex. SCIENCE CHINA Life Sciences. 64(1), 144-151.
Wang, Q. #,*, Luo, L. #, Wang, J., Luan, G.M.* (2020) Color Perception Matches Selectivity in Human Early Visual Cortex. Brain Stimulation. 13: 253-255. (#co-first authors) (*co-corresponding authors)
Zheng, L., Sheng, J., Cen, Z., Teng, P., Wang, J., Wang, Q., Lee, R.R., Luan G., Huang, M., Gao, J. (2020). Enhanced fast-vestal for magnetoencephalography source imaging: from theory to clinical application in epilepsy. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, PP (99), 1-1.
Gao, Y., Zhang, J., & Wang, Q. (2020). Robust neural tracking of linguistic units relates to distractor suppression. European Journal of Neuroscience, 51(2), 641-650.
Wang, Q., She, S., Luo, L., Li, H., Ning, Y., Ren, J., Wu, Z., Huang, R., Zheng, Y. (2020) Abnormal Contingent Negative Variation Drifts During Facial Expression Judgment in Schizophrenia Patients. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 14: 274.
Liu, Y., Sun, Y., Zhao, X., Kim, J. Y., Luo, L., Wang, Q., Meng, X., Li, Y., Sui, N., Chen, Z., Pan, C., Li, L. & Zhang, Y. (2019). Enhancement of aggression induced by isolation rearing is associated with a lack of central serotonin. Neuroscience Bulletin, 35, 841-852.
Hao W#, Wang Q#, Li L, Qiao Y, Gao Z, Ni D and Shang Y. (2018) Effects of Phase-Locking Deficits on Speech Recognition in Older Adults with Presbycusis. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience. 10:397. (#co-first authors)
Wu, C., Ding, Y., Chen, B., Gao, Y., Wang, Q., Wu, Z., Lu, L., Luo, L., Zhang, C., Bao, X., Yang, P., Fan, L., Lei, M., & Li, L. (2019). Both Val158Met polymorphism of catechol-O-methyltransferase gene and menstrual cycle affect prepulse inhibition but not attentional modulation of prepulse inhibition in younger-adult females. Neuroscience, 404, 396-406.
Wang J#, Wang Q#, Wang M, Luan G*, Zhou J, Guan Y and Yan Z (2018) Occipital Lobe Epilepsy with Ictal Fear: Evidence From a Stereo-Electroencephalography (sEEG) Case. Frontiers in Neurology. 9:644. (#co-first authors)
Wang, Q., Lu, H., Wu, Z.M., Li, L. (2018). Neural Representation of Interaural Correlation in Human Auditory Brainstem: Comparisons between Temporal-fine Structure and Envelope. Hearing Research, 365, 165-17
Wang, Q., Li, L. (2018). Differences between Auditory Frequency-Following Responses and Onset Responses: Intracranial Evidence from Rat Inferior Colliculus. Hearing Research, 357, 25-32
Yang, C., Luan, G., Wang, Q., Liu, Z., Zhai, F., & Wang, Q. (2018). Localization of epileptogenic zone with the correction of pathological networks. Frontiers in Neurology, 9: 143.
Cui, Z.#, Wang, Q.#, Gao, Y.Y., Wang, J., Wang, M.Y., Teng, P.F., Guan, Y.G., Zhou, J., Li, T.F., Luan, G. M. #, Li, L#. (2017). Dynamic Correlations between Intrinsic Connectivity and Extrinsic Connectivity of the Auditory Cortex in Humans. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience.11: 407 (*co-first authors) (#co-corresponding authors)
Fan, D.G., Duan, L.X., Wang, Q., Luan, G.M. (2017). Combined effects of feedforward inhibition and excitation in thalamocortical circuit on the transitions of epileptic seizures. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 11: 59
Luo, L., Wang, Q., Li, L. (2017). Neural Representations of Concurrent Sounds with Overlapping Spectra in Rat Inferior Colliculus: Comparisons between Temporal-Fine Structure and Envelope. Hearing research, 353:87-96
Wang, Q., Teng, P. F., Luan, G. M. (2017). Magnetoencephalography in preoperative epileptic foci localization: enlightenment from cognitive studies. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 11: 58
Wang, Q., Li, L. (2017) Modelling Envelope and Temporal Fine Structure Components of Frequency-Following Responses in Rat Inferior Colliculus. SCIENCE CHINA Technological Sciences, 60: 966–973
She, S.#, Li, H. #, Ning, Y., Ren, J., Wu, Z., Huang, R., Zhao, J. *, Wang, Q. *, Zheng, Y*. (2017). Revealing the dysfunction of schematic facial-expression processing in schizophrenia: a comparative study of different references. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 11:314. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2017.00314 (*co-corresponding authors)
Gao, Y.Y.#, Wang, Q.# Ding, Y., Wang, C.M., Li, H.F., Qu, T.S., Li, L. (2017) Selective Attention Enhances Beta Band Cortical Oscillation to Speech under “Cocktail Party” Listening Conditions. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 11:34. (#co-first authors)
Zheng, Y. #, Li, H. #, Ning, Y., Ren, J., Wu, Z., Huang, R., Luan, G.*, Li, T., Bi, T., Wang, Q.*, She, S*. (2016). Sluggishness of early-stage face processing (n170) is correlated with negative and general psychiatric symptoms in schizophrenia. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 10:615. (*co-corresponding authors)
Liu, Z.L.#, Wang, Q.#, You, Y.#, Yin, P., Ding, H., Bao, X.H., Yang, P.C., Lu, H., Gao, Y.Y., Li, L. (2016). The role of the temporal pole in modulating primitive auditory memory. Neuroscience Letters, 619: 196-202. (#co-first authors)
Wang, Q., Li, L. (2015) Auditory midbrain representation of a break in interaural correlation. Journal of Neurophysiology, 114(4), 2258-2264
Du, Y., Wang, Q., Zhang, Y., Wu, X.H., Li, L. (2012). Perceived target-masker separation unmasks responses of lateral amygdala to the emotionally conditioned target sounds in awake rats. Neuroscience, 225: 249-257.
Du, Y., Kong, L.Z., Wang, Q., and Wu, X.H., Li, L. (2011) Auditory frequency-following response: a neurophysiological measure for studying the “cocktail-party problem“. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 35: 2046-2057.
Du, Y., Ma, T.-F., Wang, Q., Wu, X.H., Li, L. (2009). Two crossed axonal projections contribute to binaural unmasking of frequency-following responses in rat inferior colliculus. European Journal of Neuroscience, 30: 1779-1789.
高雅玥, 范家宁, 王茜, 邓丽芳 (2023). 神经振荡影响快速言语识别的时间瓶颈. 心理科学进展, 31 (9): 1553-1559