- 姓 名:
- 邵枫
- 职 称:
- 副教授
- 研究领域:
- 心理神经免疫学 拟精神分裂症动物模型的认知障碍及其中枢机制研究
- 通信地址:
- 北京大学王克桢楼 100080
- 电子邮件:
- shaof@pku.edu.cn
1997 年 9 月 -2000 年 7 月 中国科学院心理研究所(生物心理学) 博士
2000 年 7 月 -2003 年 8 月 北京大学心理学系(现北京大学心理与认知科学学院) 讲师
2003 年 8 月至今 北京大学心理学系(现北京大学心理与认知科学学院) 副教授
2、青少年阶段社会隔离干扰中脑多巴胺系统神经发育并诱发成年大鼠认知障碍的分子机制研究, 国家自然科学面上基金, 35万, 2011.1-2013.12, 主持
4、抑郁症和精神分裂症的基因与环境相互作用机理研究 - 疾病的脑高级功能障碍(子课题), “国家重点基础研究发展计划资助(973)”及课题编号2007CB512306, 2007-2012
1 ,拟精神分裂症动物模型的认知障碍及其中枢机制研究
2 ,心理神经免疫学研究
Xu, H., Wang, JS., Zhang, K., Zhao, M., Ellenbroek, B., Shao,F*., Wang,WW. (2018). Effects of adolescent social stress and antidepressant treatment on cognitive inflexibility and Bdnf epigenetic modifications in the mPFC of adult mice. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 88,92-101.
Wang, Q., Shao,F*., Wang, WW. (2018). Region-Dependent Alterations in Cognitive Function and ERK1/2 Signaling in the PFC in Rats after Social Defeat Stress. Neural Plasticity, 2018, 9870985
Sun, L., Min, L., Li, M., Shao,F*., Wang, WW. (2018). Transcriptomic analysis reveals oxidative phosphorylation activation in an adolescent social isolation rat model. Brain Research Bulletin, 142, 304-312
Li, M., Sun, L., Du, W., Zhou, H., Shao,F*., Wang, WW. (2018). Chronic clozapine treatment improves the alterations of prepulse inhibition and BDNF mRNA expression in the medial prefrontal cortex that are induced by adolescent social isolation. Behavioral Pharmacology, (in press)
Sun, L., Min, L., Zhou, H., Li, M., Shao, F*. (2017). Adolescent social isolation affects schizophrenia-like behavior and astrocyte biomarkers in the PFC of adult rats. Behaviroal Brain Research, 333,258-266. (corresponding author)
Zhang, Y., Shao, F., Wang, Q., Xie, X., Wang, W.W. (2017). Neuroplastic Correlates in the mPFC Underlying the Impairment of Stress-Coping Ability and Cognitive Flexibility in Adult Rats Exposed to Chronic Mild Stress during Adolescence. Neural Plasticity, 10,1-10.
Tian, Y.L., Yang, CH.J., Shang, SH.J., Cai, Y.J., Deng, X.F., Zhang, J., Shao, F., et al. (2017). Loss of FMRP impaired hippocampal long-term plasticity and spatial learning in rats. Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience, 10, 1-14
Li, M., Du W., Shao, F*., Wang, W.W. (2016). Cognitive dysfunction and epigenetic laterations of the BDNF gene are reduced by social isolation during early adolescence. Behav Brain Res, 313, 177-183. (corresponding author)
Zhang, F., Yuan, S., Shao, F., & Wang, W. (2016). Adolescent social defeat induced alterations in anxious behavior and cognitive flexibility in adult mice: effects of developmental stage and social condition. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 10,149: 1-11.
Xu, H., Zhang, Y., Zhang, F., Yuan, S. N., Shao, F.,& Wang, W. (2016). Effects of Duloxetine Treatment on Cognitive Flexibility and BDNF Expression in the mPFC of Adult Male Mice Exposed to Social Stress during Adolescence. Front Mol Neurosci, 9, 95. doi: 10.3389/fnmol.2016.00095
Wang,Q., Shao, F*., Wang, W.W. (2015). Maternal separation produces alterations of forebrain brain-derived neurotrophic factor expression in differently aged rats. Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience, 8, 1-8. (corresponding author)
Wu, J.J., Yu, CH.H., Tan, Y., Hou, ZH., Li, M., Shao, F*., Lu, X.X. (2015). Effects of prenatal exposure to silver nanoparticles on spatial cognition and hippocampal neurodevelopment in rats. Environmental Research, 138, 67-73. (corresponding author)
Wang, Q., Li, M., Du, W., Shao, F*., Wang, W.W. (2015). The different effects of maternal separation on spatial learning and reversal learning in rats. Behavioural Brain Research, 280, 16-23. (corresponding author)
Shao, S., Li, M., Du, W., Shao, F*., Wang, W.W. (2014). Galanthamine, an acetylcholine inhibitor, prevents prepulse inhibition deficits induced by adolescent social isolation or MK-801 treatment. Brain Research, 1589, 105-111. (corresponding author)
Luo, X., Yuan, S., Guan,X., Xie, X., Shao, F*., Wang,W. (2014). Juvenile stress affects anxiety-like behavior and limbic monoamines in adult rats. Physilogy and Behavior, 135, 7-16. (corresponding author)
Guan, X., Shao, F., Xie, X., Chen, L., Wang, W. (2014). Effects of aspirin on immobile and endocrine and immune changes in the forced swimming test: Comparison to fluoxetine and imipramine. Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, 124, 361-366.
Li, M., Xue, X., Shao, S., Shao, F*., & Wang, W. (2013). Cognitive, emotional and neurochemical effects of repeated maternal separation in adolescent rats. Brain Research, 1518, 82-90. (corresponding author)
Xue, X., Shao, S., Li, M., Shao, F*., & Wang, W. (2013). Maternal separaton induces alterations of serotonergic system in different aged rats. Brain Research Bulletin, 95, 15-20. (corresponding author)
Shao, F., Han, X., Shao, S., & Wang W. (2013). Adolescent social isolation influcences cognitive function in adult rats. Neural Regeneration Research, 8(11), 1025-1030.
Xue, X., Shao, S., Wang, W., & Shao, F*. (2013). Maternal separation induces alterations in reversal learning and brain-derived neurotrophic factior expression in adult rats. Neuropsychobiology, 68, 243-249.(corresponding author)
Han, X., Li, N., Xue, X., Shao, F*., & Wang, W. (2012). Early social isolation disrupts latent inhibition and increases dopamine D2 receptor expression in the medial prefrontal cortex and nucleus accumbens of adult rats. Brain Research, 1447(0), 38-43. (corresponding author)
Han, X., Wang, W., Shao, F*., & Li, N. (2011). Isolation rearing alters social behaviors and monoamine neurotransmission in the medial prefrontal cortex and nucleus accumbens of adult rats. Brain Research, 1385, 175-181 (corresponding author)
Han, X., Li, N., Meng, Q., Shao F*., Wang, W (2011). Maternal immune activation impairs reversal learning and increases serum TNF-α in offspring. Neuropsychobiology, 64, 9-14 (corresponding author)
Meng, Q., Li, N., Han, X., Shao, F*., & Wang, W. (2011). Effects of adolescent social isolation on the expression of brain-derived neurotrophic factors in the forebrain. European Journal of Pharmacology,650, 229-232 (corresponding author)
Han, X., Wang, W., Xue X., Shao, F*., & Li, N. (2011). Brief social isolation in early adolescence affects reversal learning and forebrain BDNF expression in adult rats. Brain Research Bulletin,86,173-178 (corresponding author)
Luo,X, Shao, F.,Guan, X., Xie X., Wang, WW. Progress in the “brain-derived neurotrophic factor depression hypothesis”. Neural Regeneration Research, 2010,5(23): 1817-1824
Shao, F., Han, X., Li, N., & Wang, W. (2010). Adolescent chronic apomorphine treatment impairs latent inhibition and reduces prefrontal cortex mGluR5 receptor expression in adult rats.. European Journal of Pharmacology, 649(1-3), 202-205.
Meng, Q., Li, N., Han, X., Shao, F., & Wang, W. (2010). Peri-adolescence isolation rearing alters social behavior and nociception in rats. Neuroscience Letters, 480(1), 25-29. (corresponding author)
Shao F, Jin J, Meng QX, Liu M, Xie X, Lin WJ, Wang WW (2009). Pubertal isolation alters latent inhibition and DA in nucleus accumbens of adult rats. Physiol Behav, 98: 251-257
Jihuan Chen, Wenjuan Lin, Weiwen Wang, Feng Shao (2004). Enhancement of antibody production and expression of c-fos in the insular cortex in response to a conditioned stimulus after a single-trial learning paradigm. Behavioural Brain Research, 154: 557-565
Shao Feng, Lin Wenjuan, Wang Weiwen. (2003). The effect of emotional stress on the primary humoral immunity of rats. J of psychopharmacology, 17(2):153-157
Li Liang Shao Feng (2003). Impaired auditory sensorimotor gating: An animal model of schizophrenia. Chinese Science Bulletin, 48(19):2031-2037
Lin Wenjuan Wang Weiwen Shao Feng (2003). New animal model of emotional stress: Behavioral, neuroendocrien and immunological consequences. Chinese Science Bulletin, 48(15): 1565-1568
王琼,王玮文,李曼,杜伟,邵枫*. 阻断内侧前额叶皮质TrkB受体对大鼠认知和海马BDNF表达的影响. 心理学报, 2016, 48(5), 509-517. ( 通讯作者)
原三娜,罗晓敏,张帆,邵枫,王玮文. 大鼠注意定势转移任务模型的深入研究:种系和检测程序的影响. 心理学报, 2014, 46, 1-9.
张帆, 雍武,邵枫,王玮文.中枢肥大细胞在脑功能和行为调节中的作用. 心理科学进展,2014, 22, 1-11.
谢希, 邵枫, 罗晓敏, 管西婷, 孟庆轩, 王玮文.氟西汀和丙米嗪对应激诱导的青幼期大鼠抑郁和焦虑样行为的不同影响.中国神经精神疾病杂志,2010,36(1):14-18
金暕,王玮文,孟庆轩,刘美,邵枫.不同发育阶段社会隔离对成年大鼠潜伏抑制的影响.北京大学学报(自然科学版), 2009,45(2):350-354
金暕,王玮文,刘美,邵枫. 精神分裂症社会隔离动物模型的研究进展. 中华行为医学与脑科学杂志,2009,18(6): 568-570
王玮文 邵枫 刘美 金简 林文娟.慢性应激损害大鼠信号逆反学习能力:一种新的T型水迷宫检测方法.中国神经精神疾病杂志, 2009, 15(1): 42-44
邵枫,王玮文,刘美, 金暕. 精神分裂症的潜伏抑制动物模型. 心理科学进展, 2008,16(3):392-398
邵枫,李量,王玮文. 阿扑吗啡注射对大鼠视觉线索辨别学习和逆反学习的影响. 中国行为医学科学, 2008, 17(3): 193-195
刘美, 王玮文, 金暕,邵枫. 青春期阿扑吗啡注射对大鼠潜伏抑制和高架十字迷宫行为的影响. 中国行为医学科学, 2008, 17(3): 196-198
王玮文,谢希,邵枫. 早发性抑郁及其神经基础. 心理科学进展, 2008,16(3):411-417
刘美,王玮文,邵枫. 不同种系大鼠潜伏抑制模型的建立与评价. 中国行为医学科学,2007,16(7): 577-579
王玮文,邵枫,林文娟. 不同时程应激对大鼠行为、免疫和交感神经系统反应的影响.心理学报,2007, 39(2): 292-298
王玮文,邵枫,刘美,孙萌,林文娟. 慢性应激对大鼠行为和免疫细胞热休克蛋白70表达的影响. 心理学报, 2007, 39(5): 500-510
王玮文, 邵枫, 刘美, 林文娟. 老化,慢性应激与免疫细胞热休克蛋白70反应抑制. 中国行为医学科学, 2007,16(10):951-953
王玮文,邵枫,刘美,林文娟. 早期应激对抑郁相关行为及神经内分泌反应的长期影响. 心理科学进展,2006,14(6):907-911
何淑嫦,牛侨,邵枫,王生.铝染毒对元代培养神经细胞线粒体氧化功能的损伤. 卫生研究, 2005 (6):685-687
何淑嫦,邵枫,牛侨. 铝染毒大鼠学习记忆和氨基酸类神经递质的改变.中国行为医学科学 2005(1):11-12
邵枫 李量 耿晓峰. 一次阿扑吗啡注射对大鼠视觉辨别学习和工作记忆的影响. 中国行为医学科学,2004,13(1):5-7
邵枫 李量 耿晓峰. 早期应激与精神分裂症. 中国行为医学科学,2004,13(2):228-229
邵枫 何淑嫦 耿晓峰. 早期隔离应激对大鼠视觉线索辨别学习和逆反学习的影响. 中国行为医学科学,2004,13(3):247-248
邵枫 林文娟 肖健. 交感神经系统在应激免疫调节中的作用. 心理学报, 2003, 35(4):559-562
邵枫 林文娟. 情绪应激免疫调节作用的中枢机制研究. 心理学报, 2003,35(5):685-689
邵枫 林文娟 陈极寰. 慢性情绪应激对大鼠行为的影响及变化趋势. 中国行为医学科学, 2003, 12(1): 5-7
邵枫 林文娟. 电击信号应激免疫调节作用的中枢机制研究. 中国行为医学科学, 2003, 12(2):137-139
李量 邵枫. 精神分裂症的感觉运动门控障碍的动物模型. 科学通报中文, 2003, 48(15):1603-1612
林文娟 王玮雯 邵枫. 慢性情绪应激对大鼠行为神经内分泌和免疫反应的影响-一个新的情绪应激模型. 科学通报中文, 2003, 48(9):926-929
邵枫,林文娟. 情绪应激体液免疫调节作用的影响因素研究,心理学报,2001,33(6):543-547
邵枫,林文娟,王玮雯. 心理应激的免疫抑制作用及其与神经内分泌反应的相关性研究, 心理学报,2001,33(1):43-47
邵枫,林文娟,王玮雯,郑丽. 电击信号应激对大鼠体液免疫及内分泌功能的影响,心理学报,2000,32(4):428-432
邵枫,林文娟. 外周交感神经系统在情绪应激体液免疫调节中的作用,中国行为医学科学,2001,10(5):401-404
邵枫, 林文娟, 王玮雯. 情绪应激对大鼠体液免疫功能的影响及有关机制研究, 基础医学与临床, 2002年1月 第22卷(增刊) 41页
邵枫, 王玮雯,林文娟. 两种情绪应激模式免疫调节脑机制的比较研究,基础医学与临床, 2002年1月 第22卷(增刊) 45页
郑丽,林文娟,邵枫. 对体液免疫反应的条件反射性调节,心理科学,2002,25(1):27-30
陈极寰,林文娟,邵枫. 条件反射性抗体反应增强的动态分析-以OVA为非条件刺激物,心理学报, 2003, 35(2):261-265
邵枫,林文娟,王玮雯,郑丽. 电击信号应激对大鼠体液免疫及内分泌功能的影响,心理学报,2000,32(4):428-432