近日,北京大学心理与认知科学学院周广玉研究员课题组在SCI期刊International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology(中科院一区)上发表了题为Unveiling the cognitive burden: The impact of stigma on distorted thinking among individuals living with hepatitis B的研究论文。该研究通过分析中国最大乙型肝炎(HBV)在线社区发帖,揭示了HBV污名化与患者认知歪曲之间的显著关联。
1)Wang, X., Zhou, Y., & Zhou, G.* (2025). Unveiling the Cognitive Burden: The Role of Stigma in Shaping Distorted Thinking Among Individuals Living with Hbv. International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology, 25(1),100556. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijchp.2025.100556.
2)Wang, X., Li, X., & Zhou, G. *(2025). The power of loving yourself: The role of self-compassion in the relationship between self-stigma and psychological distress in people with hepatitis B. Stigma and Health. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1037/sah0000534
3)Liu, X., Lao, C. K., Shi, W., & Zhou, G. *(2024). Stigma and emotional distress in Chinese mental health professionals: Moderating role of cognitive fusion. Stigma and Health, 9(2), 201-211.
4)Mi, T.*, Li, X., Zhou, G.*, Qiao, S., Shen, Z., Zhou, Y. (2023) The association between HIV disclosure to family members and quality of life among people living with HIV/AIDS: A potential mediating role of social support. Current Psychology, 42, 5755-5764.
5)Wang, Y., Lao, C.K., Wang, Q., Zhou, G.* (2021) The impact of sexual minority stigma on depression: The roles of resilience and family support. Sexuality Research and Social Policy, 19, 442-452.
6)Zhou, G.*#, Li, X., Qiao, S., Shen, Z., & Zhou, Y. #(2020) HIV symptom management self-efficacy mediates the relationship of internalized stigma and quality of life among people living with HIV in China. Journal of Health Psychology, 25 (3), 311-321.
7)Mi, T., Li, X., Zhou, G.*, Qiao, S., Shen, Z., Zhou, Y. (2020) HIV disclosure to family members and medication adherence: Role of social support and self-efficacy. AIDS and Behavior, 24 (1), 45-54.