Speaker:Prof. Konrad Körding, Neuroscience, Bioengineering, University of Pennsylvania

Time:15:00-16:30, July 21, 2024

Venue:Room 1113, Wangkezhen Building

Host:Prof. Kunlin Wei


In this talk, I will review how we can infer causality, how one variable affects another. I will start building an intuition for the general problem occurring in statistical inference. I will highlight how this is a major problem for significant branches of neuroscience. I will then also review quasi-experimental methods that sometimes allow successful causal identification. Lastly, Iwil introduce a new class of causal inference algorithms that promise to outperform previous algorithms.


研究聚焦于计算神经科学 ,通过数据来研究大脑的运作方式。早期研究关注 感知和运动方面,近年来从数据科学出发,在大脑功能、深度学习、个性化 医疗等诸多领域开展研究包括逆向工程完整神经系统等新方向。同时Körding教授是开放科学(open science)的主要推动者之一,计算神经科学的在线学校 Neuromatch的主要创立者。
