Shihui Han

时间: 2014-09-30 13:00 - 15:00

地点: 哲学楼103

Social and economic behavioral studies have reported inconsistent results regarding who, women or men, perform better during social cooperation, and the neural underpinnings remain unknown. Here we investigated sex differences in interpersonal behavioral and neural synchrony that are of fundamental importance for social cooperation. We recorded electroencephalography simultaneously from two same-sex individuals during a coordination task that required synchronous counting in mind and simultaneous motor responses. Experiment 1 found that female compared to male dyads showed better interpersonal behavioral synchrony and enhanced interbrain synchrony of alpha-band neural oscillations. Moreover, the interbrain synchronous activity predicted interpersonal behavioral synchrony across all participants. Experiment 2 found that intranasal oxytocin improved both interpersonal behavioral synchrony and interbrain neural synchronization in male dyads. Our findings suggest a key role of oxytocin-related interbrain neural synchronization in sex differences in interpersonal behavior synchrony.

