Bruce E. Wexler, MD

时间: 2014-10-10 12:30 - 14:30

地点: Room 103, Department of Psychology, Peking University

The human brain is organized into functional systems made up of millions of cells distributed throughout the brain. These dynamic and distributed functional systems support thinking processes like attention, memory, self-regulation, and problem solving. The interconnections among the individual brain cells that constitute these systems are shaped by stimulation from the environment. The potential for shaping the structure and function of our brains by our environments is called neuroplasticity. The fact that we shape the environments that shape our brains is the basis for cultural evolution. Scientists have recently begun to deliberately harness this neuroplasticity to improve thinking abilities, education and brain health. The lecture will review some of this work aimed at treating cognitive dysfunctions in schizophrenia, treating mood and cognitive problems in depression, treating ADHD without medications, and improving learning in elementary school children.

