时间: 2014-12-12 12:30 - 14:30

地点: 王克桢楼1115

Absolute pitch (AP) is an ability to identify musical pitches of isolated tones without any refererence. In contrast, relative pitch (RP) is a more general and extended ability to identify musical pitches of tones in a musical pitch context, which is far more important in music perception and cognition than absolute pitch. Comparable large-scale surveys including on-site AP and RP tests were conducted with music students in Japan, China, Germany, and the United States. The proportion of participants with accurate AP (90% correct identification) was approximately 60% in Japan, 30% in China, and 0% in Germany and the USA. On the contrary, the reverse pattern was observed in the RP test results: The proportion of students who achieved reasonably high score (80% correct) in the RP test was no more than 25% in Japan, whereas 50-70% in China, Germany and the USA. This marked contrast in AP and RP performance among different countries is likely to reflect the difference in the nature of musical training beginnning early childhood. Implications of AP and RP for music are discussed.

