Professor Drew Westen

时间: 2015-04-24 12:15 - 14:15

地点: Wang Kezhen Buidling, 1113

Cognitive neuroscience and psychodynamic approaches seem to have little in common. One offers a contemporary approach to mental and behavioral processes that continues to provide an exponentially increasing body of knowledge that parallels advances in technology. The other grew from clinical observation over a century ago and has continued to develop conceptually, but without a strong empirical tradition. Both approaches, however, share two common ancestors – the concepts of association and representation – and each addresses theoretical and empirical issues not addressed by the other. This presentation describes experimental, correlational, and neuroimaging research suggesting the utility of the psychodynamic understanding unconscious affective and motivational processes for cognitive neuroscience, and the utility of research and theory in cognitive neuroscience for research on psychopathology and psychotherapy, and to psychodynamic and other approaches to clinical work with patients.

