Chui-De Chiu, Ph.D.

时间: 2014-05-20 09:10 - 11:10

地点: 哲学楼103会议室

此报告为2014年两岸三地学生学术交流活动主题报告之一 Dissociation, defined as a disruption of ordinarily integrated functions in mental processing, is a critical risk factor for the development of stress-related disorders after the exposure to traumatizing events. Studies showed that some dissociative experiences prevail in general population and there appears to be a trait-like tendency to experience dissociation. This tendency (i.e., dissociation proneness) involves a distinct set of neuro-cognitive operations, especially those underlying the coordination and manipulation of mental representations (i.e., cognitive control). In this talk, I will review my past laboratory studies on the relationship between different control operations and dissociation proneness. The results are twofold. While dissociative individuals show weakened inhibition over distracting representations, they perform better on attention switch and memory updating. Dissociative individuals may be superior at disengaging from registered representations at the expense of disinhibition of competing information.

