
时间: 2013-05-31 12:30 - 14:30

地点: 哲学楼103会议室

This talk will describe a possible approach to obtain more relatively objective analysis for the challenging issues of brain diseases using EEG or fMRI technique. I will focus on two ongoing research problems. The first part will describe our parametric approach to modelling clinically recorded EEG data sets from patients with epilepsy and explore how theoretical models may be useful to clinicians faced with the challenges of diagnosing, characterising and ultimately treating seizures. The second part will focus on research with collaborators in Clinical Neurophysiology and explore how model based hypotheses can alter biological understanding. The focus of this section is to establish a conditional cause-effect modelling approach based upon the Multivariate AutoRegressive Moving Average with Exogenous input (MARMAX) model identification techniques, with application to fMRI data to detect most discriminative regions of the mild cognitive impairment (MCI) patients. Using dynamic models in this way gives us both a clear set of modelling assumption as well as a set of powerful tools which can help clinicians interpret electrophysiology signals.

