Emiko Kashima, PhD

时间: 2012-11-09 12:30 - 14:30

地点: 哲学楼103房间

It is well documented in social psychology literature that priming of the concept of death, or the state of mortality salience, is followed by cultural worldview defense and self-esteem striving. Nevertheless, cognitive consequences of mortality salience might be broader than so far recognised and they should certainly be serviced by relevant neural systems. In this talk, I will present some new evidence to suggest that subliminal priming of death (vs. other concepts), in the absence of conscious awareness of exposure to such stimuli, instigates both activation of PFC areas implicated in regulatory processes and cognitive and behavioural manifestations of automatic regulation. It will be also argued that the latter reactions to mortality salience are associated with cultural cognition involving self and cognitive style. Importance of theoretical framework which will link culture with conscious and non-conscious threat reactions will be discussed.

