Armin W. Geertz

时间: 2012-06-18 16:00 - 18:00

地点: Room 103, Department of Psychology

Formerly, the cognitive science of religion (CSR) focused exclusively on psychological and cognitive theories, methods and approaches in the scientific study of religion. This strategy has led to interesting hypotheses, but sometimes to the exclusion of both the biological and the cultural frameworks within which human cognition operates. Recent advances, however, have been achieved through the creative use of neuroimaging and other experimental techniques. I will introduce some of the CSR studies and then discuss interesting results that the new neurobiology of religion have produced. I will also raise a few critical issues in connection with certain types of neurological approaches to religion, primarily the field of neurotheology. I will conclude with a brief review of some of the work being done at my research unit Religion, Cognition and Culture (RCC) in Aarhus.

