Lisa Saskia Arduino

时间: 2012-05-11 12:30 - 14:30

地点: 哲学楼103房间

This talk concerns the relationship between lexical, attentional and perceptual components in reading aloud single words, by investigating a particular neuropsychological syndrome, such as unilateral spatial neglect, which is due to an attentional disorder following a right-brain damage. In particular, since some of these patients manifests the disorder even in tasks requiring reading aloud single words (neglect dyslexia), they are particularly interesting for evaluating the relation between all these components and very recently with Martelli and Daini (2011) we showed that the types of reading errors more common in neglect dyslexia, such as substitutions and omissions of the left-side letters, are due to different components, perceptual and attentional, respectively. We have also very recent data on the oculomotor behaviour of patients with and without neglect dyslexia which contribute to understand the mechanisms involved in the reading disorder.

