Dr. Hong-Jin Sun

时间: 2012-03-03 12:30 - 14:30

地点: 哲学楼103房间

The brain processes visual information from a three-dimensional environment based on a two-dimensional retinal image of the external world. Therefore, one might expect that perception should be the same as long as the intrinsic properties of the retinal image of the object (e.g., retinal eccentricity, size, luminance, contrast etc) remain the same. Here, however, we provide novel behavioural evidence showing that viewing distance can affect visual ability in detecting a peripheral target even when the retinal image of an object is made identical. In the 2nd part of the talk, I will present evidence showing how visual information about movement in a 3-dimensional space is processed. When an object approaches an observer, the retinal image of the object will expand signaling impending collision. I will present our recent research on human observers evaluating the contribution of different types of visual information in the response to impending collision. I will also present results from more complex, naturalistic forms of motion processing and collision avoidance in simulated driving tasks. I will demonstrate that, in addition to visual information, driving behaviour can be affected by personality and social influence.

