Dr. Li Yi at School of Psychological and Cognitive Sciences, IDG/McGovern Institute of Brain Research, Peking University, has recently been appointed as the associate editor of Autism Reseach, the flagship journal of International Society for Autism Research (INSAR).

Autism Research covers research relevant to ASD and closely related neurodevelopmental disorders. The journal focuses on genetic, neurobiological, immunological, epidemiological and psychological mechanisms and how these influence developmental processes in ASD. The journal encourages the submission of original research papers (Research Articles and Short Reports) that take a developmental approach to the biology and psychology of autism, with a particular emphasis on identifying underlying mechanisms and integrating across different levels of analysis. Contributions are typically empirical, but the journal also publishes theoretical papers if they significantly advance thinking. The journal encourages papers reporting work on animals or cell or other model systems that are directly relevant to a better understanding of ASD. The journal also publishes reports of carefully conducted clinical trials of treatments for the core symptoms or one of the common co-morbid symptoms of ASD. Papers presenting clinical trials will be judged, in part, on whether there is an empirical justification for the reported treatment. Individuals included in research studies can span the full spectrum of ASD, including the broader phenotype, and there are no restrictions on study participants in terms of age or intellectual ability.